Go Play in The Dirt

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Go Play in The Dirt
Written By: Dr. Anderson ~ 3/24/2022


What I find myself telling patients, regularly these days, …” Go Play in the Dirt”.

The most frequent complaints that I see in my office are anxiety and pain, which are often the causes of fatigue. So why am I telling people to go play in the dirt? The simplest way to think about this is to understand that we have a flow of electricity in our bodies that needs to be grounded. The buildings that you live and work in are all grounded to the earth via a metal rod that is embedded in the earth. This is necessary because there is electricity flowing through the building and the excess charge must be released into the earth so that it’s not released into you!

When we walk around our planet with shoes that do not allow the flow of electricity from us to the earth, we are insulated. An object that has a flow of electricity that is insulated, acts as an antenna. What do antennas do? I’m glad you asked! They receive electromagnetic waves and can convert them to electrical energy. So what does this mean for humans that are constantly insulated (out of contact from) the earth? It means you not only have your own “stuff” or energy to deal with but you’re likely absorbing the “stuff” or energy of others. We’ve all walked into a room and sensed the energy as either good or bad, this is an example of that. Sometimes we cannot help but take on some of that energy.

Since the beginning of 2020, I have seen a dramatic increase in anxiety patients in my office. The effects on society due to Covid-19 and the most recent world events are adding stress to the lives of those directly affected and to those of us that think we are removed from it. We are not removed because we are all connected energetically, weather we understand it or not. It is becoming more evident to me each day that we need to release some of the energy back into the earth for us to feel more grounded and to have less pain and to improve our natural immunity. (Resourses on this topic are below)

So get in contact with the earth daily, for as long as you can to electrically ground yourself to mother earth. This is often referred to as Earthing. Stand on the dirt or grass with bare feet if you can, for several minutes. What I did this winter while the snow was on the ground was to bundle up, crouch down on my back patio and place my hands in the dirt. You’re washable, so please don’t let getting your hands dirty stop you. Also, don’t worry about what your neighbors think. If they ask, just point them to this blog post. Lastly, you can purchase an electrical grounding device for your home or office or car that will allow you to be grounded as you sleep or work.

If you’re feeling anxious or have pain in your body or just feel off, give it a try.
Get in touch with your inner child again and go play in the dirt.

Dr. A
