It Must Be My Thyroid!

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It Must Be My Thyroid!
Written By: Dr. Anderson ~ 2/25/2022


The most common statement I hear in my practice is “I want my thyroid tested”.
So then comes my question as to why…and the answer is always the same… “I can’t lose weight.
The next statement I hear is almost always “My mother has hypothyroidism, my sister has hypothyroidism, my (insert any other relative in here) has hypothyroidism. It runs in my family”.

While I do have many patients with legitimately low thyroid hormones, the majority of patients who come to my office because they struggle to lose weight, do not. When patients learn they have normal, and even textbook-perfect levels of thyroid hormones, it leaves them feeling a myriad of emotions. Some are disappointed because now it means they don’t have the thyroid to blame and they have to take some responsibility for their own diet and exercise. Others are simply perplexed and want to know what else can be contributing to their weight loss struggle.

“Then why can’t I lose weight?”
Sometimes it’s a simple answer and sometimes it’s not. Here are the most common reasons I see in clinical practice that contribute to inability to lose weight. Please note, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

1) You’re taking in more calories than you’re burning.

Yes, the most obvious answer is the most common cause: calories in and calories out matter. The math is still the math! No matter how much anyone wants to blame their hormones or genetics or age, if you average 2500 calories per day and only burn 2200 calories per day, you’re not going to lose weight and your weight will gradually increase.

Most of us are guilty of this from time to time, including me. Too many events and holidays and beverages that we forget to account for, calorie wise, are usually major factors. Then there are the ratios of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to think about; but that’s for a later discussion.

2) Stress

Stress, good or bad, can lead to an increase in cortisol production from your adrenal glands. Cortisol is absolutely necessary for our daily functioning and survival, but when we have a regular release of cortisol from chronic stress, it promotes the storage of fat, especially in the abdomen. It feels like a cruel joke, I know, but it’s all based on animal survival.

3) Inflammation

When people are suffering from chronic inflammation, even unknowingly, it will make it extremely difficult to lose weight. Two of the biggest causes of inflammation include excess sugar and chronic stress, which can also include lack of sleep.


What you can do now...
See your medical provider to determine if you have low thyroid hormone (not just TSH but your actual thyroid hormones, T4 and T3)

Then, make sure that you are burning more calories than you eat and drink.

Lastly, manage your stress and cut out added sugars. Yes, I’m serious, put down the sugary beverage and go meditate!


Dr. A

Disclaimer: the above is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered direct or individualized medical advice. All topics related to your health should be discussed with your medical provider.